Substitute for agave syrup in cocktails
Substitute for agave syrup in cocktails

Honey already scores pretty low on the glycemic index and cutting it with water brings the score down even lower. You can easily spice up your cocktail by spicing up your syrup, either with baking spices, such as cinnamon or clove, ginger or hot chiles. Honey: A number of cocktail recipes call for honey syrup, which is made by dissolving equal parts honey into water. It's a good option for sweetening a brown-liquor cocktail, like an Old Fashioned, or just about anything made with bourbon or dark rum. Maple syrup doesn't have an especially low glycemic index, nor is it too much lower in calories than sugar, but unlike sugar it is a source of several nutrients, including calcium and zinc. Depending on what you're making, you might opt for a darker syrup for a deeper, more molasses flavor. Grade A or B is awarded to a quality product, which can range in color form Light Amber to Dark Amber. High-Grade Maple Syrup: Like schoolchildren and restaurants in certain cities, maple syrup gets graded here in the U.S. You can find it in health-food stores and online at Amazon. It's also a little sweeter than sugar, so you can use up to a third less of what a recipe calls for. The texture of agave nectar is syrupy, like honey, so it needs a solid shake when making, say, a margarita. So, naturally, it lends itself well to margaritas and other tequila cocktails.

substitute for agave syrup in cocktails

The nectar comes from the Weber Blue Agave plant native to Mexico - the same plant that is also used to produce premium tequila. Madhava Organic Agave Nectar: Speaking of agave, this sweetener is about as low on the glycemic index as you can get before going totally sugar-free.

substitute for agave syrup in cocktails

Because it's flavor is pretty neutral, you can use it with just about any spirit. Available at Kegworks, it's the only stevia-based simple syrup on the market. But because the makers of Simply Simple developed this syrup to be just as sweet as sugar, you can stick to any recipe that calls for simple syrup when using it. Sound too good to be true? Used for centuries in South America and China, the herb is said to be up to 30 times sweeter than sugar.


Simply Simple Sugar Free Simple Syrup: This brand new product, made with the super-sweet herb stevia, has zero calories.

Substitute for agave syrup in cocktails